15 Diversity Interview Questions and How to Assess Them

September 15, 2023
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Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are becoming increasingly important as companies strive to create a culture that values and respects all employees. A diverse workforce brings a range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas that can enhance innovation, creativity, and productivity. In this article, we will provide you with 10 diversity interview questions and answers for assessing diverse candidates during the interview process.

Diversity and Inclusion Metrics

You can use diversity and inclusion metrics to track the progress of your efforts as they provide insights into the various aspects of diversity and inclusion such as representation of different demographic groups, employee engagement, promotion rates, pay equity, and overall workforce diversity.

If you have diverse talent in your database, take advantage of Manatal’s Boolean search strings to find the candidates from it. For instance, if you are searching for a female candidate with an experience in Java or Python, you can use the Boolean operator AND: (Java OR Python) AND (female OR woman OR women.) You can also use parentheses to group keywords and make your search more precise.


15 Diversity Interview Questions and How to Assess Them

Now that you have shortlisted your candidates, it is time to interview them to find out if they are suited for the role and your company. If you need help to think of some diversity interview questions, take a look a some of them below. Feel free to adjust the questions to fit your company’s diversity and inclusion efforts.

Question 1: How do you define diversity and why do you think it’s important in the workplace?

  • Expected answer: Look for candidates who explain not only what diversity means to them, but they should also make references based on previous roles and experience. In addition, they should explain the values that a diverse team brings to the workplace and how it could benefit your organization.
  • The reason behind the question: As a recruiter, you might ask this question to assess the candidate’s understanding of the concept of diversity and whether it aligns with the concepts and direction of the company they intend to work for. This question also helps to determine what these values mean to the candidate.

Question 2: What is the hardest part of working in a diverse environment?

  • Expected answer: Look out for candidates who share experience from previous roles and the steps they took to make sure they resolved the issues. Also, take note of their tone, look for candidates who maintain a positive tone, and believe that despite the challenges, having a diverse team can be beneficial to the company.
  • The reason behind the question: Working with different people from different cultures and backgrounds can sometimes lead to conflicting ideas, biases, and cultural differences. As a recruiter, you need to understand if the candidate has experienced these problems in the past and how they solved them. This question not only tests an applicant’s problem-solving skills but also helps you understand how open-minded they are in understanding opposing views and being respectful when accepting a decision that’s different from theirs.

Question 3: How do you ensure that all team members feel included and valued?

  • Expected answer: A good candidate will be someone who has demonstrated a comprehensive approach to promoting diversity and inclusion in a team. Look out for how they have implemented inclusive policies like bias-free recruitment practices, diversity training, and promoting an inclusive company culture.
  • The reason behind the question: As a recruiter, you want to find a candidate who is willing and committed to fostering an environment that ensures that all members of the team are valued and included. The answer provided will give you an insight into their experience, skills, and commitment.

Question 4: Can you give an example of how you have promoted diversity and inclusion in your previous roles?

  • Expected answer: The candidate should mention initiatives they have led or participated in, such as employee resource groups or diversity training programs and other strategies that have been used to make sure employees and team members feel included and valued in their previous roles.
  • The reason behind the question: This question will not only give you insight into the candidate's experience but also give you an idea of whether the candidate can contribute to your momentum in moving towards a more diverse and inclusive workplace environment.

Question 5: How do you handle conflicts or misunderstandings that may arise due to cultural differences?

  • Expected answer: The candidate might mention how they have used effective communication, empathy, respect, or cultural sensitivity training to resolve conflicts or misunderstandings in their previous roles. Check to see if their approach is what you’re looking for.
  • The reason behind the question: This question helps you assess the candidate’s ability to handle conflicts or misunderstandings and if they have experience in solving them in their previous roles.

Question 6: How do you stay informed about diversity and inclusion issues and best practices?

  • Expected answer: Look for candidates who regularly stay informed through different mediums like attending conferences, reading industry publications, or participating in training programs. You can also research other mediums that candidates might use and see if they fit what your organization is looking for. Also, take note of candidates that mention the names of the publications or events.
  • The reason behind the question: This question will help you as a recruiter to understand the candidate's passion for diversity and inclusion-related topics. You will have an idea of how the candidate keeps themselves informed and educated about diversity.

Question 7: Can you describe a time when you had to adapt your communication style to work effectively with someone from a different background?

  • Expected answer: Look for candidates who can provide examples of how they have used different strategies and actions like active listening, empathy, or cultural sensitivity to communicate effectively. Also, watch out for candidates that include how they will use this experience to work with the diverse team in your company.
  • The reason behind the question: This question gives you an insight into the candidate's background in working with diverse teams. You will also have an idea of the candidate's previous experience and if they will fit into that of your organization.

Question 8: How do you ensure that your decisions are fair and unbiased?

  • Expected answer: A good answer to this question will be strategies the candidates have used in their previous jobs to ensure a sound decision. These strategies can include using data, seeking opinions, following established rules, voting, etc. to make sure that the decisions they make are fair to all included.
  • The reason behind the question: As a recruiter, you want to know if the candidate you want to hire has experience with decision-making. Since you are recruiting a team leader who will work with a diverse team, the candidate needs to make a decision that is seen as fair and inclusive to all the team members. This question will assess the experience of the candidate in decision-making that includes a diverse team.

Question 9: How do you actively seek out diverse perspectives when making decisions or solving problems?

  • Expected answer: Look for candidates who have demonstrated how they consult with team members from diverse backgrounds, use data from diverse sources, or conduct research on best practices for promoting diversity and inclusion.
  • The reason behind the question: This question gives you an idea of the candidate's commitment to making sure that the decisions they make are rational, inclusive, and fair to the party included.

Question 10: How would you manage an incident where a coworker said a racist or prejudiced statement?

  • Expected answer: Look for candidates that emphasize the actions they will take when dealing with an offensive statement relating to culture, race age, or sexual preferences. Another good answer will be candidates that share previous experience and the actions they took on it.
  • The reason behind the question: This question helps you as a recruiter understand how involved the candidate will be in the company’s goal of creating an inclusive company culture. You want to know if the candidate can tolerate racist or sexist remarks in the workplace.

Question 11: How do you ensure that your own biases do not affect your decision-making process?

  • Expected answer: A good answer should demonstrate a candidate acknowledges the fact that everyone has unconscious biases that can influence their judgments and actions. They also should be able to give examples and explain the strategies they use to identify, challenge, and reduce their biases.
  • The reason behind the question: The question is a way for you to evaluate candidates’ self-awareness, critical thinking, and ethical judgment. These are important skills because most jobs require us to work together with other people.

Question 12: Can you share an example of how you have advocated for diversity and inclusion in your previous roles?

  • Expected answer: Candidates should be able to give a clear, real-life example where they actively participated in DE&I efforts and describe the outcomes. They also need to demonstrate there is a sustained dedication to these principles.
  • The reason behind the question: This question is to verify that a candidate’s diversity and inclusion efforts are aligned with the organization. Additionally, it is to assess their ability to create and maintain an inclusive environment. You can also predict how they might actively contribute to the company’s D&I initiatives based on their past actions.

Question 13: How do you handle situations where a team member is not respecting the diverse backgrounds of others?

  • Expected answer:  Candidates should explain their approach to addressing and resolving conflicts arising from a lack of respect for diversity. This might include steps like private discussions to educate the team members, implementing team training on diversity, or escalating the issue to HR if necessary. They should also emphasize the importance of maintaining a respectful and inclusive work environment and their role in upholding these values.
  • The reason behind the question: You want to see how a candidate handles conflicts and can uphold the company’s values regarding diversity and inclusion. It also helps you understand the candidate’s potential as a team leader or member in fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture.

Question 14: How do you ensure that all voices are heard in team meetings and discussions?

  • Expected answer: Listen to candidates who can describe specific strategies they use to promote inclusive communication, such as round-robin speaking, anonymous suggestion boxes, or encouraging quieter team members to share their thoughts. The response should reflect an understanding of the importance of diverse input and a proactive approach to ensuring all team members feel valued and heard.
  • The reason behind the question: After hearing the candidates’ responses, you should be able to determine if they have the leadership and facilitation skills necessary to create an environment where all team members can contribute equally. It also reveals their commitment to inclusivity and ability to foster a collaborative team dynamic.

Question 15: Can you share an example of a time when you had to adapt your leadership style to accommodate a diverse team?

  • Expected answer: Look for candidates who provide instances where they modified their leadership approach to effectively manage a diverse team. This could include adopting different communication methods, altering decision-making processes, or providing varied forms of support to meet individual team members’ needs. The answer should illustrate the candidate’s flexibility, cultural sensitivity, and ability to foster a cohesive team despite differences.
  • The reason behind the question: The question aims to evaluate the candidate’s adaptability and understanding of different cultural or personal work styles. It also serves to identify leaders who are capable of creating an inclusive environment that leverages diversity as a strength within the team.


Assessing a candidate’s values and approach to diversity and inclusion during the interview process is crucial for building a diverse and inclusive workplace culture. By asking thoughtful diversity interview questions and carefully evaluating the candidate’s answers, you’ll be able to identify candidates who will contribute positively to their company’s diversity efforts.

Arief Irsyad

Arief Irsyad or Arief for short is a Content Marketing Specialist at Manatal. He is a curious learner who likes to explore various topics and share his insights and opinions, especially about technology and gadgets. When he’s not writing about the topics he loves, he likes to travel, cook, and play mobile games.

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