How to Select the Best IT Recruitment Agency in 2023

November 14, 2022
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It's a tough market out there, and there's no shortcut to seamless recruitment for any HR professional. Everyone struggles to maintain their industry position and attract qualified candidates.

The Great Resignation hadn’t made it any easier, leaving companies with empty vacancies and a need to find suitable replacements fast. Thus, many job seekers find the increased number of resignations empowering. This might even be incredibly valuable for IT professionals, specifically.

Even though this industry consistently comes on top of the best-paid employees, not everyone has the dream salary. Instead, it's only the top performers that can boast of impressive paychecks. Others, though, may not have had the same luck and opportunities.

However, the Great Resignation has encouraged many workers and job seekers to demand more and be treated equally in every aspect. IT talents are no exception.

They want companies to appreciate their skill set and experiences, and if presented with low compensation and benefits, these professionals will likely decline the offer. Nonetheless, that puts employers aiming to hire these candidates in a challenging position.

Finding skilled IT talent has always been a complex task, but it has become even more difficult in the post-pandemic world. Companies must put in the extra effort and offer compelling benefits.

But they must also ensure they're hiring candidates capable of delivering stellar results. To achieve that, many companies must work with hiring agencies specializing in IT recruitment.

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Why Should Companies That Aim to Hire IT Candidates, Work with Recruitment Agencies?

Over 63% of HR departments say talent shortage is their most pressing challenge. Moreover, 76%  report that attracting suitable job applicants is just as tricky.

Besides, companies struggle to contain the Great Resignation and provide conditions and benefits that entice their employees to stay. They must fight on multiple fronts, making it hard to run a thriving business.

Many job seekers are interested in a career within the IT industry, but that doesn't make it any easier for companies to ensure the desired IT recruitment results are met. They also have a hard time reaching skilled candidates and finding professionals whose abilities and experiences align with their resumes to the T.

Since IT is among the most prosperous industries today, many people hope to get their foot in and secure safe salaries and jobs. As a result, IT HR departments might be the only ones to receive an influx of job applications.

But that doesn't mean all the candidates are equally qualified. Instead, many of these job applicants could just be trying their luck, hoping to get a job without meeting all the requirements.

After all, who wouldn't test their chances if it would mean working in one of the fastest-growing industries, where they can have competitive compensation? Because of that, HR departments handling IT recruitment struggle with a different kind of talent shortage.

Although these recruiters may receive enough job applications to start the selection process, they will likely have to skim through many under qualified candidates. That will slow them down and take valuable time and resources, resulting in a slow time-to-hire.

But companies can mitigate that problem by collaborating with IT recruitment agencies. That would help them identify compatible candidates faster, tap into relevant contacts, and accelerate their activities.

Moreover, these agencies have a simple and direct goal - they must find the right job applicant with verifiable skills that meet the job requirements and fit the role. While they do that, companies can focus on other aspects of the hiring process, such as planning to onboard and integrate employees into the workplace.

Collaboration with IT recruitment agencies has other benefits as well, including advanced tech infrastructure and expertise. These agencies typically use top-notch technologies to streamline their activities, such as SaaS platforms (e.g., ATS, CRM), ensuring better-informed decisions and faster hiring.

Companies also benefit from IT recruitment agencies' reputations and their position in the industry. That is often enough to reach talented professionals in no time and prepare them for their new jobs.

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What are IT Recruitment Agencies?

IT recruitment agencies aim to attract, reach, and hire top IT talents compatible with the job opening and requirements. They specialize in this industry and have relevant knowledge, skills, background, and expertise.

These agencies might not only focus on finding IT candidates, but it's among their primary responsibilities. They have specialized IT recruiters who have what it takes to match a job applicant with the right available vacancy.

Many IT recruitment agencies help companies find both on-site and remote candidates, as this industry is typically flexible and allows work from home. They are familiar with the latest trends, transformations, predictions, and technologies.

Moreover, these agencies know where to start looking and how to approach IT candidates. Since they understand their needs, ambitions, and expectations, these recruiters can use the right tone and language when communicating with the job applicants.

IT recruitment agencies know that people applying for jobs in these industries are passionate about personal and professional growth and never stop learning. Hence, they understand how to present a job opening with relevant perks and benefits.

However, these agencies also know how to communicate with clients and companies, ensuring that they meet everyone's needs and objectives, as these are essential factors for performance.

But the fee structure and specific details may depend on the recruitment agency. Not every agency has the same conditions, standards, and expectations.

Some agencies may prefer to charge upfront, while others only do it if the client hires one of their shortlisted candidates. But the fee structure varies depending on every agency.

The same goes for the type; some IT recruitment agencies seek temporary employees, while others handle long-term positions. The majority does both or only the latter.

Because of that, it's crucial first to research the market and find the agency that fits your company's needs and goals. Read about their background, fee structure, how they run the selection process, what tech they use, and how they ensure their client's satisfaction.

For instance, some IT recruitment agencies rely on technology to find the most compatible candidate to guarantee data-driven decision-making. Others prefer to leverage their vast network and encourage referrals.

Read about the agency's past collaborations, achievements, and candidate placements. Discover whether they have worked with a similar company (e.g., size, number of years in the industry) and reach out to those clients to hear more about their experience.

After finding the best matches, create a list and prepare for the next steps. The following will help you narrow your search and understand what agency you would like to collaborate with the most.

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How to Identify the Best IT Recruitment Agency?

Here's what you should pay attention to when deciding what IT recruitment agency to hire.

Knowledge and Experience in IT Industry

An IT recruitment agency should have a proven track of achievements, knowledge, and experience in the industry. You should be comfortable about putting your hiring process into their hands and allowing them to find the best match for you.

If you have the slightest doubt about their skills, that will affect the communication and outcome. Because of that, the agency should have what it takes to deliver the results your business needs.

The best way to understand whether they can deliver stellar results is to be sure about your expectations and goals and communicate them to them. The agency can then walk you through its plan and strategy and explain how it would approach the process and find the right candidate.

Discover whether the recruiters would look for passive job applicants or use their extensive talent pool to find compatible talents. Check whether they leverage referrals or already have available candidates interested in working with your company.

Ask the IT recruitment agency how they would use their skills and knowledge to get the most out of the process and find a professional ready to start working immediately. Assess their previous projects and the technique and methods they used to ensure their clients' success.

That will help you understand what to expect and whether to proceed with collaboration. But if you can't find evidence proving that an agency is experienced in IT recruitment, you might have to move to another one.

PODCAST: How to Stand Out as a Recruiter Amidst the Ever Changing Scope of IT Hiring

IT Contacts and Talent Pool

Besides the knowledge and competencies, the ideal IT recruitment agency should have access to a relevant talent pool and contacts. They should understand how the industry works and smoothly connect with IT professionals, specialists, and businesses.

Moreover, the agency should be confident in using its vast network to streamline IT recruitment and find a suitable candidate in no time. Their contacts can also help them with relevant advice, suggestions, and recommendations.

Find an agency that has worked in IT recruitment for a long time and knows many qualified IT candidates and job seekers. That would be a perfect shortcut to finding talented professionals ready to start working fast.

Besides, the agency could share its contacts with you and connect you with businesses that could become your partners and job applicants who might be a good fit for other job openings. Prioritize agencies that have been in the industry for a long time and have built their reputation and influence.

Adequate Tech Infrastructure (e.g., Software-as-a-Service)

Thriving agencies specializing in IT recruitment know that they can do a lot with traditional hiring tools, but they can do much more with SaaS technology. The agency should also know that advanced tech is becoming an integral part of the hiring process, making it essential to have modern and multifunctional apps and platforms.

Discover what tech the shortlisted agencies use and let that guide your decision-making. For instance, an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) typically provides effective timelines, candidate matching, and AI-driven insights.

An ATS can help a recruitment agency turn candidate management into a seamless task, ensuring a better candidate experience. But it can also help boost accuracy, efficiency, and productivity.

On the other hand, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) makes communication with clients easier and helps share progress. It's challenging to ensure you're on the same page without that platform.

Also, discover whether the tech the agency uses allows integrations. That plays a significant role in efficiency and speed.

Credibility and Expertise

Collaborating with an agency and trusting them with your IT recruitment is a risk but also an investment. However, it's not the one you should take lightly and start without previously researching.

Instead, you should feel comfortable about your choice and confident in your decision. That can only happen if you know you're collaborating with specialists who can do more than make promises.

The ideal recruitment agency should have credibility and expertise. You should be sure they will deliver excellent results because they've already done it many times.

Moreover, they should have a stellar track record and multiple past collaborations with similar companies. The agency should also have testimonials and certificates that prove its capabilities.

Compatible Budget

You can never overlook the importance of resources. Only collaborate with IT recruitment agencies that align with your available budget.

Be confident you can afford the service and know all the costs. Discuss these details before working together and ensure you know what you get for the money you pay.

Candidate Assessments

As mentioned before, IT is a highly competitive market, and many people hope to work in this field. But sadly, not everyone can work in IT nor has the necessary skills and knowledge.

Because of that, you must be confident your new employee has the needed competencies, experiences, and ambition. They should be passionate about working in your company and share similar values, objectives, and visions.

The agency should be versed in IT recruitment because it helps them identify candidates sharing these qualities and having the must-have skills. Moreover, they should practice skill assessments and practical tests, as that helps them evaluate technical abilities and knowledge.

Although you should encourage continuous learning and development and be ready to help the employee adopt the capabilities they lack, they should, at least, have the foundations. Efficient evaluations should help determine candidates' skills to work in IT.

LEARN MORE: Understand how to send assessments to candidates directly from the job pipeline.

Matching Goals and Missions

Employees must also be a good culture fit. They should understand how your company works and the missions it strives to achieve.

Moreover, compatible workers should share these ambitions and be willing to work toward the same goals.

Agencies specializing in IT recruitment should also recognize candidates with relevant aspirations and visions. They should ensure that the job applicant has hard and soft skills and aligns with the team and workplace values.

Concluding Thoughts

IT recruitment is complex and demanding, requiring commitment and thoughtfulness. But sometimes, you need external support and help from industry experts to ensure a successful hiring process.

However, you should leverage advanced technology and work with recruitment agencies that use modern platforms to drive efficiency, accuracy, and stellar performance. SaaS technology is cost-effective, easy to use, and accessible.

It is ideal for your company and IT recruitment agencies. But it is even more efficient when it comes from the industry pioneers.

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Director - MRI Network, Executive Search Firm
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Dina Demajo
Senior Talent Acquisition - Manpower Group
Manpower has been using Manatal and we couldn't be happier as a team with the services this platform has provided. The application is extremely user-friendly and very well equipped with all the useful functions one would require for successful recruitment. The support team is also excellent with very fast response time.
Edmund Yeo
Human Resources Manager - Oakwood
Manatal is a sophisticated, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based applicant tracking system that helps companies achieve digitalization and seamless integration to LinkedIn and other job boards. The team at Manatal is very supportive, helpful, prompt in their replies and we were pleased to see that the support they offer exceeded our expectations.
Maxime Ferreira
International Director - JB Hired
Manatal has been at the core of our agency's expansion. Using it has greatly improved and simplified our recruitment processes. Incredibly easy and intuitive to use, customizable to a tee, and offers top-tier live support. Our recruiters love it. A must-have for all recruitment agencies. Definitely recommend!
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HR Manager, Talent Sourcing & Acquisition - Suntory PepsiCo Beverage
I am using Manatal for talent sourcing and it is the best platform ever. I am so impressed, the Manatal team did an excellent job. This is so awesome I am recommending the solution to all recruiters I know.
Bill Twinning
Talent Resources & Development Director - Charoen Pokphand Group
Manatal is the best ATS we worked with. Simplicity, efficiency and the latest technologies combined make it an indispensable tool for any large-scale HR team. Since its adoption, we've seen a huge increase across all our key recruitment metrics. To summarize. it is a must-have.
Ahmed Firdaus
Director - MRINetwork, Executive Search Firm
I've been using Manatal for the past couple of months and the platform is excellent, user-friendly and it has helped me a lot in my recruitment process, operation and database management. I'm very happy with their great support. Whenever I ask something they come back to me within minutes.
Dina Demajo
Senior Talent Acquisition - Manpower Group
Manpower has been using Manatal and we couldn't be happier as a team with the services this platform has provided. The application is extremely user-friendly and very well equipped with all the useful functions one would require for successful recruitment. The support team is also excellent with very fast response time.
Kevin Martin
Human Resources Manager - Oakwood
Manatal is a sophisticated, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based applicant tracking system that helps companies achieve digitalization and seamless integration to LinkedIn and other job boards. The team at Manatal is very supportive, helpful, prompt in their replies and we were pleased to see that the support they offer exceeded our expectations.
Maxime Ferreira
International Director - JB Hired
Manatal has been at the core of our agency's expansion. Using it has greatly improved and simplified our recruitment processes. Incredibly easy and intuitive to use, customizable to a tee, and offers top-tier live support. Our recruiters love it. A must-have for all recruitment agencies. Definitely recommend!
Ngoc-Thinh Tran
HR Manager, Talent Sourcing & Acquisition - Suntory PepsiCo Beverage
I am using Manatal for talent sourcing and it is the best platform ever. I am so impressed, the Manatal team did an excellent job. This is so awesome I am recommending the solution to all recruiters I know.

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