Swipe Through Visa Inc.’s Recruitment Process

February 9, 2024
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Reaching your pocket, swipe the card, sign, and done. As easy as it sounds, the search for talent who can maintain the convenience behind the payment process is not as simple… So, how does a big player in the payment card service industry like Visa Inc. find the right candidates to expand its team? What it takes to land a job at the company? Let’s dive into the structure of the Visa recruitment process and get the answer.  

The Visa Recruitment Process 101: What They Look For

Named one of Fortune’s 100 best companies to work for in 2023 [1], Visa Inc. sets standards when it comes to hiring. The company of over 20,000 employees has conceptualized the motto; ‘One Visa’ as its compass for how to think and execute recruitment, especially for Executive roles.

  • The multi-national company that spans over 200 countries around the globe prioritizes candidates who possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Given the nature of the financial industry, the company values candidates who can think critically, identify patterns, and provide creative solutions that drive business growth and enhance customer experiences.
  • Teamwork is also a core value at Visa Inc., as the company believes that collective efforts lead to innovation and success. The ability to work seamlessly with cross-functional teams is important for Visa Inc. to deliver integrated solutions.
  • Visa Inc.'s success lies in delivering exceptional experiences to its customers. So, it’s essential for Visa’s employees to prioritize customer satisfaction and actively come up with ways to smoothen customer journeys.
  • Last but not least, Visa Inc. is looking for candidates who possess strong leadership skills and the ability to take initiative. The company believes that leaders who can anticipate market trends and grab opportunities when can are one of the main drives for its ongoing success.

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One of a Kind: Visa Recruitment Process for Executive Roles

When it comes to filling executive roles, Visa Inc. has its own solid strategy. Alёna Romanenko, the Global Head of Research, Executive Talent Acquisition of Visa reveals that the company has developed a training program across its TA initiatives that spans beyond executive hiring. The program has then turned into its learning pathway called Visa University.

The big payment card service provider also comes with other unique Executive TA strategies like:

  • Lay down the foundation with tools: Visa recognized that the recruitment market is running at a fast pace with tools and technologies having a bigger role. So, the big player in the payment card industry is leveraging a tool like ATS and external platforms such as LinkedIn Recruiter to develop its pipelines and build candidate engagement. Visa also integrates Artificial Intelligence into its candidate sourcing routine, for example, by using ChatGPT to summarize hiring manager meetings or creating some bullet points for a job description. The company is digging deep into the use of technology to improve its process by having meetings about this topic exclusively.
  • Promote diversity among the executive community: Visa ensures that its talent pool for the VP+ level is mixed with women. The company values the diversity of thought. Not necessarily from any specific dimension of diversity like gender, but more like versatility. Although running a business in the payments sector, Visa doesn’t exclusively hire candidates from payments or financial services. Talent from tech and information services can also be in the mix.
  • Personalize candidate experience: With AI at its disposal, Visa leverages the latest innovations to free up recruiters’ time. This creates an opportunity to achieve productivity by thinking deeply, understanding, developing relationships, and improving the candidate experience. In the process, the company is also able to free up space to ponder upon questions like, What is your brand? What is the culture of the company? What are the values? What does the company stand for? And reinforce its image for both job seekers and customers.

For a deeper dive into how TAs at Visa Inc. work, check out our episode of All-in Recruitment where we sat down with the Global Head of Research, Executive Talent Acquisition at Visa Inc.

EP77: Visa - How to Rethink Executive Talent Acquisition

Visa’s Recruitment Priorities

  • Align your recruitment process with your company’s mission and culture: It’s a good idea to follow’ Visa’s track and communicate your company’s mission and culture throughout the recruitment process, from the job description to the interview questions. This will help you filter out candidates who are not a good fit and engage the ones who are aligned with your vision.
  • Leverage technology and data to optimize your recruitment process: Go out there, explore, and adopt the latest technologies and data-driven solutions that can help you save time, reduce costs, and increase quality and efficiency in your recruitment process. Make a list of tools so you have a few options to compare and select. Ensure that the tools come with relevant features that cater to your needs.
  • Promote diversity and inclusion in your talent pool and workplace: Embrace and champion diversity and inclusion in your Talent Acquisition and retention strategies. Make sure that your company has policies and practices that support and empower your diverse workforce and stakeholders. Be open to different thoughts and perspectives.
  • Personalize and humanize your candidate experience: Aim to create a memorable and engaging candidate experience that differentiates your company from others, and that makes candidates feel valued and respected. Make your days easier by using AI but don’t forget to always drop your human touch and interact with candidates along their journeys.


Visa stays ahead of the game with a robust and effective recruitment process that leverages technology, data, diversity, and personalization to optimize its hiring strategy and candidate experience. You can be inspired by the Visa recruitment process and adapt some of its strategies to your own approach. This secret sauce can help you improve your recruitment results and ensure that you can attract and fill up those empty seats with the perfect talent.


1. Visa

Ann Schumann

As a former recruiter turned content writer, Ann specializes in creating engaging content. With a passion for the recruitment industry, she helps businesses streamline hiring and attract top talent using innovative solutions.

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