12 Recruitment Tips to Stand Out from Other Recruiters

September 19, 2024
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Recruiting is a challenging and rewarding profession that requires a combination of skills, knowledge, and personality. Whether you are a seasoned recruiter or a newbie, you can always improve your craft and achieve better results. In this article, we will share 12 tips that can help you become a better recruiter and stand out from the crowd. These habits are based on the best practices of successful recruiters from various industries and sectors. By following these habits, you will be able to attract, engage, and hire top talent for your organization.

1: Building Strong Networks and Relationships

It goes without saying that one of the most important tips for a successful recruiter is to build strong networks and relationships. According to LinkedIn, a strong network and relationships can help you connect with qualified candidates who have the right skills and can perfectly fit into your company, culturally, even before they start job hunting.

Here are some tips for building and maintaining networks and relationships:

  • Join networking or industry events where you can find people who share your passion.
  • Join online communities and influencers’ networks/inner circle groups where people share and pool their knowledge.
  • Join your college/university alumni groups and maintain contact with former schoolmates and teachers.
  • Be proactive and reach out to people whom you feel you can learn from, whether it is online or in person.
  • Expand your network by joining Slack communities, groups of individuals on a Slack workspace coordinated around a specific industry, job function, or area of interest. Keep in mind though, that the community may have an open-for-all, invite-only, or paid membership.
    here are a list of Slack communities you should check out:
  • Resources for Humans (by Lattice)
  • The Shape of Work Community
  • PeopleGeeks by CultureAmp
  • PeoplePeople
  • People Over Perks
  • Secret HR Society
  • HR to HR
  • #People
  • Recruiting Innovators Directory
  • RecruiterSlack

2: Continuous Learning

Continuously learning and staying updated on industry trends is one of the essential habits. The recruitment industry is constantly evolving and changing, due to factors such as technology, economy, culture, and legislation. As a recruiter, you need to keep up with these changes and adapt accordingly.

Some ways to stay updated and enhance your knowledge are:

3: Effective Time Management and Organization

Time management is the ability to plan, prioritize, and execute your tasks and goals within a given time frame. Organization is the ability to arrange, structure, and systematize your work and resources in a logical and efficient way. So, having these habits will be beneficial for you as a recruiter in the long run.

Here are some of our tips for improving your time management and organization ability:

  • It’s a good idea to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals and break them down into smaller and manageable tasks.
  • Use a calendar, planner, or app to schedule your tasks and appointments, and set reminders and alerts.
  • Prioritize your tasks based on urgency and importance. Use methods like the Eisenhower matrix that divides your tasks into four quadrants based on urgency and importance, the ABCDE method that assigns a letter to each task based on its priority, and the Pareto principle that primarily focuses on focus on the 20% of the tasks that have the most impact on your goals.
  • Delegate or outsource tasks that are not within your core competencies or responsibilities.
  • Review and evaluate your results and outcomes, and make adjustments as needed.
  • And last but not least, save time by automating redundant tasks such as backlog and documentation using recruitment software or A.I. tools.

4: Conduct Proactive Sourcing and Talent Acquisition Strategies

A fourth habit of a good recruiter is to always come up with proactive sourcing and talent acquisition strategies. Let’s break this habit down; Sourcing is the process of finding and identifying potential candidates for a specific role. Talent acquisition is the process of attracting, engaging, and hiring those candidates. So essentially, proactive sourcing and talent acquisition strategies involve actively reaching out to and pursuing candidates, rather than waiting for them to apply or come to you.

Some strategies for effective proactive sourcing and talent acquisition are:

5: Having Strong Communication and Interpersonal Skills

How can you be a successful recruiter without having strong communication and interpersonal skills? Communication is the ability to convey and receive information, ideas, and emotions effectively and clearly. Interpersonal skills are the ability to interact and relate with others in a positive and respectful way.

LinkedIn also reports that when you combine these two together and constantly practice them as a habit, you can build trust, establish rapport, and create a positive image of yourself and your agency. You can also:

  • Convey information clearly and concisely, ask relevant questions, listen actively, and provide constructive feedback.
  • Understand and address the needs and expectations of your clients and candidates.
  • Persuade and influence your clients and candidates to take action or make decisions.
  • Negotiate and resolve conflicts and issues that may arise during the recruitment process.
  • Provide feedback and guidance to your clients and candidates.
  • Utilize your communication in interpersonal skills in passive recruitment. Tap into your existing connections and ask for some referrals. Also, communicate with passive candidates through social media. Use the channel to showcase your company and advertise for vacancies.
  • On-campus recruiting is also another channel for you to use and practice your communication skills. Reach out to university career centers and connect with young candidates. Also, attend on-campus job fairs to advertise your company and vacancies.

Below are some techniques you can do to improve your communication and interpersonal skills:

  • Use active listening and empathy, and show genuine interest and attention to your clients and candidates.
  • Use clear and concise language, and avoid jargon, slang, and acronyms.
  • Use appropriate tone, volume, and body language, and remember to match your style to your audience and situation.
  • Use open-ended questions, and encourage your clients and candidates to share their thoughts and feelings.
  • Use positive and constructive feedback, and acknowledge and appreciate your clients and candidates.

6: Utilizing Technology and Recruitment Tools

Recruitment tools are software, applications, and devices that can assist you in your recruitment activities. Over 68% of recruiters revealed that investing in new recruiting tools and technology is the best way to improve their performance. [1] In a highly competitive recruitment scene such as today, recruitment tools are more than essential, especially the ones with A.I., as Forbes confirmed that they can help you save time, achieve higher quality or hires, and improve communication along the process, by allowing you to:

  • Automate and simplify your recruitment tasks and workflows, such as sourcing, screening, and scheduling.
  • Enhance and diversify your recruitment methods and channels, such as video interviews, online assessments, and gamification.
  • Increase your productivity and efficiency while saving time and money.
  • Reduce human errors and bias.
  • Allow you to access and manage your recruitment data and information, and generate insights and reports.

Here are some examples of technology and recruitment tools that you can use:

  • Video conferencing tools, such as Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet, to conduct online interviews and meetings with your clients and candidates
  • Online assessment tools, such as TestGorilla, Codility, and HireVue, to evaluate your candidates’ skills, knowledge, and personality
  • Gamification tools, such as Pymetrics, Knack, and The Talent Games, to engage and motivate your candidates with fun and interactive challenges
  • Applicant Tracking System to streamline and simplify the recruitment process from end to end. Using a cloud-based and AI-driven ATS like Manatal can even do more than that, as it offers a wide range of features and functions. With Manatal, you can:

    -Easily create and publish your jobs across multiple channels, such as your website, social media, and job boards.
    -Automatically parse and import resumes and profiles from various sources, such as email, LinkedIn, and Dropbox.
    -Quickly screen and filter candidates based on your criteria, such as skills, experience, education, etc.
    -Effectively track and monitor your candidates’ progress and status throughout the hiring process.
    -Collaborate and communicate with your team and stakeholders, and share notes, feedback, and ratings.
    -Generate and analyze reports and insights on your recruitment performance and metrics within a few clicks.


7: Data-Driven Decision Making

Data-driven decision-making is the process of using data, facts, and evidence to support and guide your actions and choices. Data can come from various sources, such as your recruitment tools, surveys, feedback, reports, and analytics. This is one of the essential parts of your road to becoming a successful recruiter. Here’s why. Data-driven decision-making can help you:

Some of our tips for using data-driven decision-making are:

  • Define your problem or objective, and determine what data you need to solve or achieve it.
  • Collect and organize your data from reliable and relevant sources, and ensure its accuracy and quality.
  • Analyze and interpret your data using appropriate methods and tools, such as charts, graphs, and statistics.
  • Draw conclusions and insights from your data, and test them against your problem or objective.
  • Implement and communicate your decisions and actions based on your data, and monitor and review their results and feedback.
  • Use time to fill, time to hire, source of hire, quality of hire, cost per hire, and candidate experience as key metrics to help you make more informed decisions.

8: Building a Strong Employer’s Brand

If someone is asking you how to be good at recruitment? One of the first answers you get will probably involve the employer’s brand. It is the reputation and image of an organization as an employer. It is how the organization is perceived by its current and potential employees, as well as the public. It reflects the organization’s values, culture, vision, and benefits.

According to Glassdoor, 86% of employees and job seekers research company reviews and ratings before deciding whether or not they should apply for a job. At the same time, 75% of active job seekers are likely to apply for a job if a company is actively managing its brand.

With a strong employer brand, you can:

  • Attract and retain top talent for your roles, and reduce your turnover rate.
  • Increase your candidate pool and quality, and decrease your hiring cost.
  • Enhance your employee engagement and satisfaction, while improving your productivity and performance.
  • Differentiate yourself from your competitors, and gain a competitive advantage in the market
  • Create a positive and lasting impression on your clients and candidates, and increase your loyalty and referrals.

Some strategies for building and promoting a strong employer brand are:

  • Define and communicate your employer value proposition (EVP), which is the unique and compelling offer that you provide to your employees, such as your mission, culture, and benefits.
  • Showcase your employer brand on your website, social media, and job boards, and highlight your achievements, awards, and testimonials. LinkedIn is one of the essential social media channels that you should invest your time and effort on. Make sure to keep the page updated, share your company’s beliefs, and leverage LinkedIn Groups.
  • Create and share engaging and authentic content that showcases your employer brand, such as blogs, videos, and podcasts, and feature your employees, clients, and candidates.
  • Encourage and empower your employees to be your brand ambassadors, and incentivize them to share their stories and experiences with their networks and communities.
  • Solicit and respond to feedback and reviews from your employees, clients, and candidates, and use them to improve your employer's brand and reputation.

9: Active Listening and Empathy

Active listening is the ability to listen attentively and attentively to what someone is saying and to show that you understand and care. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and to feel and share their emotions and perspectives. Mastering this habit will enable you to:

  • Build and maintain rapport and trust with your clients and candidates.
  • Understand and address the needs and expectations of your clients and candidates.
  • Provide feedback and guidance to your clients and candidates, and help them overcome their challenges and concerns.
  • Negotiate and resolve conflicts and issues that may arise during the recruitment process.
  • Enhance your emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills as a recruiter.

Here are some techniques for practicing active listening and empathy:

  • Use verbal and non-verbal cues to show that you are listening, such as nodding, smiling, and eye contact.
  • Use paraphrasing and summarizing to confirm and clarify what you heard, and to show that you understood.
  • Use open-ended questions and probing to encourage your clients and candidates to elaborate and express their thoughts and feelings.
  • Use affirmations and validations to acknowledge and appreciate your clients and candidates, and to show that you respect and support them.
  • Use reflections and emotions to express and share your own feelings and opinions, and to show that you empathize and relate with them.

10. Adaptability and Flexibility

Adaptability is the ability to adjust and respond to changing situations and conditions. Flexibility is the ability to modify and accommodate different preferences and demands. Both are related to the concept of agility, which is the ability to move and act quickly and effectively. So, safe to say that you need to practice this habit.

Adaptability and flexibility are important for recruitment because they can help you:

  • Cope and thrive in a dynamic and uncertain environment, and overcome challenges and obstacles.
  • Meet and exceed the needs and expectations of your clients and candidates, and deliver high-quality service and results.
  • Explore and experiment with new and innovative ways to recruit, and learn from your experiences and feedback.
  • Collaborate and cooperate with your team and stakeholders, and leverage their strengths and resources.
  • Maintain a positive and resilient attitude as a recruiter, and avoid stress and frustration.

Follow these tips to become an adaptable and flexible recruiter:

  • Be open-minded and curious, and embrace change and diversity as opportunities for growth and improvement.
  • Be proactive and prepared, and anticipate and plan for possible scenarios and outcomes.
  • Be responsive and resourceful, act and react quickly and effectively to changing situations and conditions.
  • Be versatile and multifaceted, develop and apply different skills and strategies to different situations and needs.
  • Be willing and able to compromise and negotiate, and find win-win solutions for yourself and others.

11. Collaborating with Hiring Managers and Teams

Hiring managers are the people who are responsible for making the final hiring decisions for a specific role. Teams are the people who are involved or affected by the hiring process, such as your colleagues, peers, and partners. It is a must to practice a habit of collaborating and working together with stakeholders to share information, ideas, and resources to achieve a common goal.

Through collaborating with hiring managers and teams, you can:

  • Align your recruitment goals and strategies with the organizational goals and strategies, and ensure consistency and coherence.
  • Understand and meet the requirements and expectations of the hiring managers and teams, and ensure quality and satisfaction.
  • Leverage the expertise and experience of the hiring managers and teams, and enhance your knowledge and skills.
  • Access and utilize the networks and resources of the hiring managers and teams, and expand your reach and access to potential candidates.
  • Improve your communication and coordination with the hiring managers and teams, and avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

Some techniques for effective collaboration with hiring managers and teams are:

  • Establish and maintain regular and clear communication with the hiring managers and teams, and use various channels and tools, such as email, phone, and video calls.
  • Define and communicate your roles and responsibilities, and clarify your expectations and deliverables.
  • Seek and provide feedback and input, and listen and respect each other’s opinions and perspectives.
  • Share and update your progress and status, and report and resolve any issues or challenges.
  • Celebrate and appreciate your achievements and successes, and recognize and reward each other’s contributions and efforts.

12. Prioritizing Candidate Experience

Candidate experience is the perception and impression that a candidate has of the organization and the recruitment process, from the moment they apply to the moment they are hired or rejected. It encompasses all the interactions and touchpoints that a candidate has with the organization and the recruiter, such as the job description, the application form, the interview, the feedback, and the offer.

On the candidates’ side, 48% of them would respond positively to receiving interview information ahead of time. And 52% of candidates who were given feedback were more likely to continue a relationship with the company.

So, as important as it is, there's no denying that you must prioritize candidate experience, as providing a positive candidate experience can help you:

  • Attract and retain top talent for your roles, as well as reduce your drop-off rate.
  • Increase your candidate pool and quality, and decrease your hiring cost.
  • Enhance your employer brand and reputation as a recruiter, and increase your loyalty and referrals.
  • Improve your candidate engagement and satisfaction, while improving your productivity and performance.
  • Create a positive and lasting impression on your candidates, and increase your chances of hiring them.

Here are some ways you can enhance the candidate experience throughout the process:

  • Write clear and compelling job descriptions, and highlight your employer's value proposition and employer’s brand.
  • Simplify and streamline your application process. Make it user-friendly and accessible.
  • Conduct professional and respectful interviews. Also, prepare and inform your candidates beforehand.
  • Provide timely and constructive feedback, as well as keep your candidates updated and informed.
  • Make fair and competitive offers, and communicate and negotiate with your candidates.


Recruitment is a rewarding and fulfilling career, but it also requires a lot of skills, knowledge, and dedication. In this article, we have shared with you some tips that can help you become a successful recruiter. By following these tips, you can enhance your recruitment performance, efficiency, and satisfaction. You can also improve your personal and professional growth, and achieve your goals and aspirations.


1. LinkedIn

Ann Schumann

As a former recruiter turned content writer, Ann specializes in creating engaging content. With a passion for the recruitment industry, she helps businesses streamline hiring and attract top talent using innovative solutions.

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