The Impact of the Omicron Variant on Recruitment

July 25, 2022
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Since March 2020, it seems like our world has been stuck in an endless loop of COVID-19, restrictive measures, and new variants. Although the first vaccine was given more than a year ago, we’re still learning how to combat the pandemic and go back to the life we used to know in the previous decade. 

Once it seemed that things were under control, the Delta variant appeared, causing new fears and lockdowns. Before we had any time to recover, a new threat arrived. 

On November 26, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the variant B.1.1.529, raising new concerns due to the several mutations that may impact its behavior. Omicron quickly forced countries globally to re-impose mandatory safety restrictions. 

The new variant has 50 mutations compared to the original virus discovered in Wuhan, China. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that it’s still unknown how easily the Omicron strain spreads compared to Delta. 

On the other hand, a recent study from the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) has shown that the latest variant can infect faster and with more efficiency than Delta in human bronchus but with a less severe infection in the lung. Some predictions warn that Omicron might only peak in January 2022 while also intensifying the Delta surge that’s underway. 

Even though it’s tempting to believe that this strain is the last chapter of the pandemic, Nanette Cocero, global president of Pfizer Vaccines, said that COVID will likely transition to an endemic state by 2024. Hence, the workplace and employment issues will likely continue, making us wonder what the impact could be and what to expect in the months to come. 

How is the Omicron Variant of COVID-19 Affecting the Job Market

The global economic recession, uncertainty, and lack of job opportunities were the 2020 highlight. The world started changing before our eyes, leaving people without work and even shelter. 

Initially, everyone hoped that the pandemic would be a short-lived crisis, but we will soon enter the third year. Nonetheless, our principal worry in the year ahead of us could be the Omicron variant and potential new strains.

After handling various COVID-related challenges, we have more knowledge and coping skills than before. Yet, job growth already started losing momentum in November, indicating that the labor market is experiencing a slow recovery. 

The Delta wave has shown that as infections surge, the demand for employees and the number of available job seekers decreases. Companies become less inclined to hire new people and often curb their financial spending.

Thus, fewer people go to restaurants, travel, and return to the workforce. These factors influence the job market, but it’s unlikely that Omicron will have the same impact as the original strain had. 

It’s more likely that the new variant will drag out the recovery and reinforce the status quo concerning employment and business. Hiring also slows down during the holiday season. So people will likely encounter fewer job openings while employers will struggle to find qualified job applicants. 

Many companies will take the wait-and-see approach, avoiding spending money on employee onboarding and investing in their development only to let go of them afterward. Business leaders will likely assess how the situation unfolds throughout January to decide whether to move on with their recruitment plans and new partnerships. 

Workers who aren’t happy with their jobs will probably delay their plans to look elsewhere to avoid being unemployed when Omicron peaks. That could mean that the second wave of the Great Resignation might start after understanding the new variant and how dangerous it is. 

Everyone will start re-evaluating the job market in early and mid-January, looking for answers on whether it’s the right time to proceed with their activities and plans. That will also impact international business relationships and recruitment, making people cautious about collaboration with foreign stakeholders and job seekers.

But Omicron won’t have the same impact on every industry. For example, IT job recovery is in full swing as companies in these sectors offer flexible options and work from home. The reality is much gloomier for the hospitality and travel industry due to the return of strict safety measures. 

That causes various concerns for recruiters across all fields, as they might struggle to find new talents after the hiring freeze ceases and more job openings become available. Here’s what HR professionals and business leaders can expect during and after the Omicron surge and afterward. 

Potential Aftermaths of the Omicron Variant for the Workplaces and Recruitment

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, companies and HR departments had to react quickly, despite not being ready. Remote work became the norm, and onboarding took the virtual form. 

Although that’s been the dominant approach in the world of work since early 2020, the intensity changed with infection surges. The Omicron variant is causing a concern that COVID-19 vaccines might not be as efficient against this strain, bringing back telework in various countries. 

That could have numerous aftermaths for the workplaces and recruitment.

How Omicron May Influence Workplaces:

Employers might rethink or postpone in-person gatherings and activities for the holidays, and employees return to offices in January 2022

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, most companies and organizations would organize holiday activities, gatherings, or outings for their staff. However, that’s unlikely this year as many employers had to go back to the remote model.

Thus, the uncertainty could force them to rethink their plans and delay or cancel in-person events to avoid potential infections or safety hazards. Companies might also be unsure about the vaccination-related requirements they should impose.

Because of that, many will opt for online parties or skip Christmas and New Year’s Eve gatherings altogether. Although organizing video events is safer, employers should ensure no employee feels left out by keeping in touch with them during the holidays. 

Companies might receive confusing directions and regulation expectations concerning workplace safety and vaccination from the government

HR departments and business leaders might feel unsure about the procedures and measures they should implement in their workplaces due to the mixed signals from the government and health institutions. Because of that, they may struggle to understand if they’re doing something that could breach the laws or endanger employee safety. 

Human resources might focus on analyzing the latest regulations and creating the most efficient strategies and help them stay afloat. Moreover, compliance will come to the forefront as employers strive to act according to the law and operate in a legal framework. 

As a result, many companies may consider using an advanced tech system that helps them keep up with the rules and workplace-related legislation. They might even introduce employee training that ensures everyone is on the same page and know what measures to follow. 

Employers will center their efforts and attention around employee well-being and mental health support

Although employee wellness has been the focus of many companies during the pandemic, Omicron will reinforce it. Undoubtedly, establishing and improving well-being programs will get more attention in the coming period than recruiting new talents.

HR professionals will seek ways to improve their health-related initiatives and ensure they’re providing efficient support to employees, especially while working from home. Many could also implement counseling for those who’ve been infected or struggling with an ill family member. 

Companies may center their efforts around including more well-being perks and benefits and providing more well-rounded support to their teams. 

Work from home might stay as a requirement in the months to come

For many organizations, work from home is no longer an option or a temporary solution. Instead, many employers use telework as the principal model and focus on streamlining it and ensuring it functions better. 

Those that returned to the offices when COVID-19 cases decreased could use this approach again to protect their staff from the potential transmission. As a result, video meetings will likely continue, and employers will seek ways to boost productivity and maintain continuous communication. 

Employers might require their staff to be vaccinated, especially those who work in offices

Omicron will likely increase the mandatory vaccination to work in physical spaces. Although it also depends on the national and regional law system, many companies will require their employees to get a shot, or they’ll have to continue working from home. 

Moreover, employers may also make arrangements with health facilities to provide vaccination in the workplace or improve vaccine accessibility. Finally, HR departments may also organize webinars and sessions to raise awareness and encourage employees to vaccinate. 

Companies might also require regular tests on COVID-19, despite the vaccination status

Although many companies found that having regular testing in the office is expensive, it might become more affordable as the world tries to curb Omicron. Employers could require their employees to test for COVID-19, despite being vaccinated. 

It’s also possible that workers who refuse tests might have to continue working remotely. But employers should be careful with the approach they take concerning mandatory testing and vaccination to ensure employees are comfortable with the situation. 

How Omicron Might Impact Recruitment:

Recruiters might have to postpone hiring new talents until the situation becomes more stable; many HRs could also encounter hiring freezes

The Omicron variant has brought back fears of exhausted medical professionals and hospitals full of infected patients. 

Because of that, many companies and organization will pause their recruitment processes and wait out until the situation becomes easier to handle. Recruiters will likely focus on other activities, such as well-being programs, employee engagement, and workplace safety policies. 

They could assess their hiring results in the previous year to tweak their strategies and improve the recruiting process. As a result, HR professionals might be more confident once the hiring freeze lifts and they can start hiring new employees. 

The selection process and candidate onboarding in most companies will likely be online

The return of remote work also means virtual recruitment and onboarding is coming back. Recruiters will again meet via video interviews and hire them using top-notch tech platforms. 

Hence, they will focus on improving their digital skills and running online meetings without impacting the quality of the process. HR teams will also direct their efforts towards creating an engaging and thorough virtual onboarding, ensuring that new workers get all the skills and information they need. 

Companies might require recruiters to consider only candidates who are vaccinated

Although online hiring, onboarding, and work aren’t a novelty, many companies will add mandatory vaccination to their job requirements. Because of that, job seekers will see an increasing number of job ads that note that only vaccinated candidates will be considered for the job role. 

However, some companies might also offer to help their new employees get a shot or vaccinate in the workplace before onboarding. 

Attending in-person interviews, onboarding, and work could require COVID-19 tests and vaccination

Although not every company will require its employees to be vaccinated before joining the team or going back to the office, the majority will demand COVID-19 tests and digital certificates to attend the job interviews and following activities. That might deter some job seekers from applying, meaning that employers should consider providing vaccination or helping people schedule it. 

The same applies to mandatory vaccination for unvaccinated individuals if they get the position. Companies should seek the middle ground and help their new employees meet these requirements. 

Increased burnout due to the seemingly never-ending pandemic and changes could extend the Great Resignation and talent shortages; moreover, employees might find it harder to adjust to new workplace policies and standards.

The pandemic is inherently overwhelming for everyone. Not knowing when it will finish doesn’t help. 

Yet, people must continue working, stay productive, and deliver the best results. Because of that, Omicron might intensify burnout in the workplace and extend the Great Resignation and lack of qualified talents. 

Millennials and Gen-Z were already quitting their jobs in the past months due to not feeling valued. That might continue in 2022, and employers should take their employees’ mental and physical health seriously. 

Moreover, the continuously changing policies and regulations due to the new COVID-19 strains might get overly confusing for workers, making it hard to adjust to the latest workplace expectations and standards. 

How Companies Should Respond to the Omicron Variant

Here’s what employers can do to ensure workplace stability, employee well-being, and business continuity:

  • Reinforce their workplace safety regulations and assess local transmission rates and infection increases when considering a return to the offices – Re-evaluate your workplace safety policies and ensure they’re up-to-date and work well in the Omicron-affected realm. Moreover, pay attention to the weekly infection rates in your community before asking employees to come back to the office. 
  • Encourage vaccination of all employees, including C-Suite – If vaccination isn’t mandatory, create programs and presentations that raise awareness and encourage employees to get the shot. Lead by example and motivate your C-Suite staff to vaccinate and talk about their experience. 
  • Practice social distancing to minimize infections – Perhaps office work is inevitable to perform work activities in your company. However, you should still ensure everyone wears a mask, keeps a two-meter distance, maintains their space clean, and obeys other relevant safety measures. 
  • Check and enhance ventilation – Check ventilation in your building and improve it. That way, it can exchange a higher amount of air indoors. Although that doesn’t require expensive renovations, you should ensure the air-filtration system is up to standards and can maintain a clean and safe environment. 
  • Encourage workplace testing – Consider making collaborations with local healthcare facilities to provide free employee testing in the workplace and encourage your staff to do it as that helps stop infections from spreading. 
  • Be careful with business travel – Although your business niche might require a lot of business trips and conferences, avoid it if not necessary. However, if you or your employees must travel, consider testing for COVID before returning to the office. 
  • Be open about COVID-19 exposure and related policies – If someone in the workplace has been infected, avoid hiding it and be transparent, or you could lose your employees’ trust. Moreover, be open about COVID-related policies and let them know how that affects their work. 
  • Provide mental support – Ensure that you have efficient mental health support programs in place and that employees know how to access them. 
  • Improve support practices and packages for infected and those in a quarantine – Employees infected by COVID-19 should know they’ll receive the necessary mental, emotional, and financial support from their employees. Moreover, they should be sure that they won’t lose their jobs. Introduce help packages for ill workers and ensure they know what to expect. 
  • Follow the latest news and insights concerning intervention effectiveness – It’s essential to follow the latest updates and insights of credible professionals regarding efficient safety and prevention measures. 
  • Be transparent regarding hiring freezes and selection process changes – If you have to delay recruiting new employees for some time, let your HR professionals and employees know. You can announce on your career website if you’re not planning new job openings now. On the other hand, you should also let job seekers know if Omicron is affecting your selection process in any way. 
  • Leverage technology to track processes and maintain continuous communication – Remote work requires reliable tech platforms that help you keep regular communication with your teams, clients, and stakeholders. For example, Manatal’s ATS and CRM allow you to maintain efficient collaboration and maintain employees in the loop. 
  • Reinforce company culture – It’s crucial to foster and strengthen the company culture in times of uncertainty. Stay true to your values, objectives, and mission and ensure employees feel a sense of belonging. 

Although it’s impossible to say with certainty how the Omicron variant will affect workplaces and recruitment long-term, remote work will likely be the norm again, and safety measures will come to the forefront of HR efforts. As you navigate new challenges, it’s essential to maintain team unity and keep continuous communication with your employees.

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Manatal is a sophisticated, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based applicant tracking system that helps companies achieve digitalization and seamless integration to LinkedIn and other job boards. The team at Manatal is very supportive, helpful, prompt in their replies and we were pleased to see that the support they offer exceeded our expectations.
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